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We have some news to share! Clear Minded Counseling has added 2 more PCIT International Certified Therapists to the practice! Both will be providing PCIT over telehealth. We are excited to have Jen and Ashley join our team!

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Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) is one of our specialties, with there only being 6 PCIT International Certified Therapists in the entire state of South Dakota and Clear Minded Counseling has three of them. Elly provides PCIT in office and Ashley, Audra, Jaime, and Jen are providing internet-based/telehealth PCIT.


EMDR Therapy - Rachael is trained in Level One and Level Two of EMDR, which is a unique tool for working with trauma along with anxiety.


Play Therapy - Rachael has completed all of her training and is finishing her paperwork to become a Registered Play Therapist.

















































































PCIT & Telehealth:
One unique aspect of PCIT is that for the majority of sessions, the therapist does not work in the same room as the client and their family - rather, the therapist traditionally sits behind a one-way mirror to observe the parent-child interactions and provides real-time coaching to parents through a parent-worn bug-in-the-ear. These aspects of PCIT have allowed for an easy shift to Internet-based PCIT (I-PCIT). The family uses a smart device to stream the parent-child interactions in real-time in their house, while the therapist (located in their office) provides live parent coaching via a parent-worn Bluetooth earpiece.


I-PCIT eliminates a lot of barriers to care (e.g., scheduling, transportation, comfort with treatment setting), allows families in the entire State of South Dakota to be seen, and allows for live coaching in the family's natural environment. Research has shown that I-PCIT can be just as effective when delivered virtually, with some research even showing higher percentages of clients being rated as "much improved" and "very much improved".


The idea of starting services online can be overwhelming and scary for some people. We will be there to walk you through the process. If you have any questions about it, please reach out to me.




















Read PCIT parent telehealth testimonials here





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